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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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    When Judge Rajah ordered Scott Dylan’s co-conspirator, Jack Mason, to hand over his passport it was to prevent him absconding and scuttling, like a cockroach, back to Spain.

    Dylan, on the other hand, kept his passport. The judge believed him to be living in the UK. It now appears from his weird blog that he lives in Dublin. The question is whether Dylan will return to be sentenced….

    Next year he has to defend himself from the charge that he conspired to unlawfully to nick £13.8 million from Barclays. Hundreds of people have suffered at the hands of Dylan aka Reece Dylan and Reece Widdington. Many were from this parish. We need to see Dylan back in the High Court to face justice

    If you want a larf read his ludicrous, self-congratulatory blog. It is a succession of lies topped by his AI picture. A true narcissistic psychopath

    An extract from this ghastly tripe….

    “One of the most important people in Scott’s life is his partner, Gareth Rowan-Dylan, with whom he has been in a committed relationship for over 15 years. Gareth, originally from Dublin, Ireland, shares Scott’s love for travel and culture. Together, they have built a life filled with adventure, shared values, and mutual respect. Their relationship has been a constant source of strength for Scott, providing him with a sense of stability amidst the fast-paced world of dodgy business. Gareth has been an unwavering support system for Scott, especially during challenging times,(like when he has to go to court for contempt)…. and the two have built a home filled with love, understanding, and shared ambitions.

    Scott and Gareth enjoy travelling together, often seeking out destinations that allow them to immerse themselves in local cultures and unwind from the pressures of their professional lives. “Whether exploring the streets of Barcelona or enjoying quiet moments in their Dublin home, the couple places a high priority on maintaining a healthy work-life balance.”

    Now, he has been kicked out of the National Association of Licensed Paralegals


    Starmer supporters will claim Tory media has weaponised his acceptance of over £100k of freebies. This is untrue. The Guardian and Inde has been merciless.

    Who is so vain he/she needs £2,400’s worth of glasses?

    The Dame gets hers online for £30 a pair

    For a one-time public prosecutor not to understand the conflict (and worse) to be so allied to Lord Alli beggars belief.

    It is the stuff of the awful Boris Johnson whom Starmer and crew so criticised.

    We can be certain of this…Corbyn, for all his thousand faults, would never have stooped so low. We expected more of Keir Starmer.


    Abject failure by Met officers allowed a serial abuser to kill two women.

    Cressida Dick apologised and talked about ‘service levels falling short’!! as if she was a shopkeeper.

    When the Dame complains to Peter Jones it talks about ‘service levels’ but you don’t expect to hear it concerning killings let alone from a senior police officer. Thank God the woman has gone along with her massive pension. Her successor is not much better. Time to get a proper cop like Mr Watson from GMP.

    Watson….A proper and effective leader


    So….Scott Dylan aka Reece Dylan is about to be sentenced for contempt of court in the High Court. Despite removing close to £14m from Barclays and facing trial next year he has been granted legal aid. We see he is promoting his services as a paralegal. Why can’t you defend yourself and save the taxpayer a shedload of money?



    Dear Dame

    Councilor Marwan Elnaghi has been noted for two things – his absolute laziness and his incompetence

    Overpromoted , to put it politely in the Labour wars, to being chair of the Grenfell Recovery Scrutiny Committee where he consistently failed to get through the agenda and one one occasion invited a trauma expert Dr Grady Bray to describe 9/11 retraumatising bereaved, survivors and residents.

    Then on Adult Social Care and Health, he was in charge of the final meeting with the Royal Brompton Hospital . Elnaghi let the Trust bosses dominate the meeting and had to be told (Well done Dr Max Chauhan!) when to let the councillors ask questions and residents didn’t ever get an opportunity to speak or ask questions.

    And then his defence of a restuarant/club on Clarendon Roa which deliberately breached Covid Rules – at a licensing meeting whilst he forgot he was AsC Chair!

    His stint on planning led to him to vote YES to dodgy Warren Todd’s redevelopment of Buspace in Gobrone Ward ( complete with ZERO affordable housing!)

    So what services and help have Notting Dale, the Grenfell Ward, constituents had from Elnaghi? Well zero apart from him banging on about the phone mast in his block to anyone who will listen for years – absolutely nothing .
    When a constituent tried to talk to him about gun and knife crime he said “I’m Too tired to discuss”. Not too tired to collect his chunky allowance though!

    This is a councillor very shy of any casework coming his way.

    Very angry resident



    This rough and unprepossessing character is Scott Dylan.

    His chequered business past has involved different names. The Dame is proud of her elegant good looks but Mr Dylan is ashamed of his.

    Please contact the Dame for a full 22 year history of this bad boy. It is not nice reading for the refined! She will send under plain cover…..

    Do a Google search of Scott Dylan’ and you will see that he has created an AI-generated ‘Scott Dylan’… very different from the reality!


    In October, Dylan and his associate, Jack Mason face Judge Rajah in the High Court.

    They will be sentenced for contempt of court and breaches of freezing orders related to a claim by Barclays.

    The bank claims Dylan and associates had conspired with associates to relieve it of close to £14 million.

    The High Court claim by Barclays for the return of the near £14 million will be held early next year. Barclays are spending a fortune with some of the country’s best legal brains to bring Dylan and Mason to justice.

    Judge Rajah was scathing in his assessment of the levels of dishonesty engaged in by Dylan and his gang. In fact, so angry was the judge that he ordered Mason to hand over his passport! You’ll be able to read the full case report https://www.casemine.com/judgement/uk/6660aec26562183214790b8c

    In the Rolls Building at the Royal Courts of Justice Mr Justice Rajah said he found their evidence at different times to be “inherently incredible”, “strained credulity”, and contained “deliberate falsehoods”.

    Dylan claims he has ‘mental health issues’. He did this in 2018 when the Sec of State went after him. Mason claimed he had his appendix out so was ‘off work’. The odd thing about Dylan’s claim is that his ‘mental health issues’ did not stop him masterminding his move on Barc! Many of his victims have had to have help after tangling with him.

    Can I have me passport back, M’lud?

    In 2018 the Secretary of State for Business launched proceedings against Dylan.

    There are many readers of this blog who are victims of Mason and Dylan.

    Dylan, through his contacts at Google, managed to interfere with the historic Hornets site so please spread the news far and wide that we have a new site.

    Some links to the old site are a ‘must read’ with a mass of national coverage on the activities of the gang.