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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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So….Scott Dylan aka Reece Dylan is about to be sentenced for contempt of court in the High Court. Despite removing close to £14m from Barclays and facing trial next year he has been granted legal aid. We see he is promoting his services as a paralegal. Why can’t you defend yourself and save the taxpayer a shedload of money?


  1. busybody Avatar

    As he is a ‘qualified paralegal’ can’t he save the taxpayer legal aid and defend himself from Barclay’s claim for the return of the £13.8 million he ‘borrowed’ and the contempt of court charges.

  2. Tasty Geezer Avatar
    Tasty Geezer

    It costs around £1, 000 a week to keep a bloke in the nick! I shudder to think how much an aberrant piece of humanity like Dylan and his associates will cost the taxpayer when The Honourable M. Justice Rajah has finished with them. Be sure to tell us, Dame, what happens to them. Their arses will be grass!

  3. Cocky Screw Avatar
    Cocky Screw

    This appalling shower will be shafted in the High Court and endure a long stretch at His Majesty’s Pleasure; hopefully at the Hotel Bellmarsh.

    If they are arrogant in the nick, they will be brought down a peg or two. There are some ‘ard, ‘andy, and tasty, violent, geezers in there.

  4. Mr O' Rorke Avatar
    Mr O’ Rorke

    I see from Scott Dylan website that he seems to have moved to Dublin. Does this mean he won’t appear at court for sentencing?

  5. Imprisonment is not so bad, Scott. Avatar
    Imprisonment is not so bad, Scott.

    So Dylan is a dodgy paralegal? em…………….

    Any paralegal worth his salt would advise this shyster to give up all of his pathetic pseudo-legal posturing as a bad job and face Mr Justice Rajah in the High Court. If this appearance results in a prison sentence, it will not be bad for Dylan as it will be for Mason. Mason will be sex starved whilst he is inside because there are no women to play with. Whereas, Dylan will find plenty of men inside of the same persuasion who will be happy to make sure that he gets a good time.

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