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FTHN: From the Hornets Nest

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This rough and unprepossessing character is Scott Dylan.

His chequered business past has involved different names. The Dame is proud of her elegant good looks but Mr Dylan is ashamed of his.

Please contact the Dame for a full 22 year history of this bad boy. It is not nice reading for the refined! She will send under plain cover…..

Do a Google search of Scott Dylan’ and you will see that he has created an AI-generated ‘Scott Dylan’… very different from the reality!


In October, Dylan and his associate, Jack Mason face Judge Rajah in the High Court.

They will be sentenced for contempt of court and breaches of freezing orders related to a claim by Barclays.

The bank claims Dylan and associates had conspired with associates to relieve it of close to £14 million.

The High Court claim by Barclays for the return of the near £14 million will be held early next year. Barclays are spending a fortune with some of the country’s best legal brains to bring Dylan and Mason to justice.

Judge Rajah was scathing in his assessment of the levels of dishonesty engaged in by Dylan and his gang. In fact, so angry was the judge that he ordered Mason to hand over his passport! You’ll be able to read the full case report https://www.casemine.com/judgement/uk/6660aec26562183214790b8c

In the Rolls Building at the Royal Courts of Justice Mr Justice Rajah said he found their evidence at different times to be “inherently incredible”, “strained credulity”, and contained “deliberate falsehoods”.

Dylan claims he has ‘mental health issues’. He did this in 2018 when the Sec of State went after him. Mason claimed he had his appendix out so was ‘off work’. The odd thing about Dylan’s claim is that his ‘mental health issues’ did not stop him masterminding his move on Barc! Many of his victims have had to have help after tangling with him.

Can I have me passport back, M’lud?

In 2018 the Secretary of State for Business launched proceedings against Dylan.

There are many readers of this blog who are victims of Mason and Dylan.

Dylan, through his contacts at Google, managed to interfere with the historic Hornets site so please spread the news far and wide that we have a new site.

Some links to the old site are a ‘must read’ with a mass of national coverage on the activities of the gang.


  1. Sir K******r S*******r Avatar
    Sir K******r S*******r

    So, these rotters spent £160,000 on private jets yet I hear are applying for legal aid. Quite unbelievable if true

  2. The Lawyer Avatar
    The Lawyer

    If true that Dylan used his influence and contacts at Google to close down our much loved Dame that there is something very rotten at Google

    1. Anon Avatar

      Dylan won’t close down this blogging site, my dear Dame.

      He will be well and truly shafted before he manages to close this blogspot down.

  3. Mr Nobody Avatar
    Mr Nobody

    Was not Mason a director of Baldwins Travel Agent? Well, not being able to travel will be a problem

  4. Sharon Shrill Avatar
    Sharon Shrill

    I worked as a Prison Officer at Strangeways for ten years. I am now a Store Detective for Marks and Spencer’s in London.

    They have got a lovely gym in there and that would certainly help Dylan to work off those excess pounds on his girth. If only the taxpayer knew the facilities that the Government provides for these cons.

    There is a Gideon bible in every cell with an arrow on the cover to stop the cons taking it with them when they leave.

    That boy in the blue jeans in the picture, above, looks very fit, Dame.


    These ********** are only facing a********** for Contempt of Court for breaching a Court Order.

    They are said to have enriched themselves unjustly at the expense of Barclay’s Bank to the tune of £ 13.7 million. They have also conned other people without the resources of Barclays Bank.

    The Bank has instituted legal proceedings at civil law to recover the £13.7 million which this lot managed to systematically withdraw to get rich quick. Good luck with that Barclays. The Bank has got as much chance at recovering their losses of £13.7 million, as I have of seeing pigs fly.

    It is manifestly plain that the Bank has been taken in by these *********– e********* C** M****. The loan facilities granted to this lot have been abused and the money has been withdrawn from the Bank in a concerted way as part of a get rich quick scheme.

    With dishonesty on this industrial scale, I do not understand why the police and the Serious Fraud Office have not investigated this matter and charged them with Criminal Offences. If convicted, this lot would not see the light of day for a very long time in prison. It is hard to understand why the Bank has not reported the crimes of this shower to the police. If someone went in to Barclays with a forged cheque for £100 and tried to obtain £100 dishonestly, the Bank would call the police.

    Barclays is under a moral duty to report this matter to the police so that others do not get conned. The CPS prosecutes people who fiddle small amounts from the Department for Work and Pensions.

    Good on yer, Dame, for running this blog so that the wicked deeds of this lot become more widely known so others do not get conned.

  6. Glasgow Business Avatar
    Glasgow Business

    I live in Glasgow and know this guy from a long while back. There are many people with scores to settle. That is why he hates his ugly mug in the public domain. Scared shitless

  7. Anon Avatar

    People who do shitty things get their comeuppance and claiming to have PTSD does not save them.

  8. Swine spotter Avatar
    Swine spotter

    Bloody Hell…excuse my French Dame.
    No wonder he has used Artificial Intelligence but you can’t make a silk purse out if an ugly fat swine’s ear

    1. Miss Piggy Avatar
      Miss Piggy

      You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear especially IF the sow is a SWINDLER.

    2. Percy Pig Avatar
      Percy Pig

      I hear they serve pigs’ trotters in His Majesty’s Prisons these days. These pigs might find themselves in the broth if they are put in chokey

      1. Peppa Pig Avatar
        Peppa Pig

        Embezzling pigs, whatever next. I bet these pigs fly before Mr. Justice Rajah sentences them.

      2. Piglet Avatar

        They do lovely braised pigs’ trotters in Strangeways.

        From Piglet- one of the lads on E wing, discharged yesterday.

        (We will help Dylan adjust to prison life. The first part of the process is to get him to accept what he has done wrong and why he is locked up. No denials. )

  9. Ex Plod Avatar
    Ex Plod

    Dame, will you be sending your snappers to catch him and Mason in the dock for sentencing?
    Now you no longer own the new site can we thank all the volunteers who have taken over and wish you a glorious retirement to your Monaco penthouse

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